Last updated on March 1, 2013
I just had to make a quick post about this excellent article.
The world has forgotten the real victims of Fukushima
It was at this point, at around day three, that I realised that something had gone seriously wrong with the reporting of the biggest natural disaster to hit a major industrialised nation for a century. We had forgotten the real victims, the 20,000-and-counting Japanese people killed, in favour of a nuclear scare story.
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That was an interesting article, excellent, as you say.
But I looked a bit in other articles on the same site and I found this, equally recent but anything other than excellent article:
I can’t comment on the ‘infiltration’ and story about the work circumstances in the power plant in march, but there is enough so clearly wrong or incorrect that I have grave doubts about the rest of the article.
– The aerial picture of the plant is clearly from before the disaster, the caption beneath is says afterwards.
-AFAIK, the pipes and valves withstood the force of the earthquake.
-The ‘heating up’ of reactor nr 2 is a wrong reading of a defect temerature sensor. That was known a week before this article.
-Rolling blackouts are a consequence of the choice to keep all nuclear power plants offline, not a result of the Daiichi accident.
I know, I shouldn’t post it here, but I haven’t found a way to send it to the Telegraph, and I need to vent.
Does anyone know more about the reliability of this infiltration and yakuza story?
Feel free to vent, we all feel the frustration!
I have never heard anything of the yakuza story so I can’t say if there is any truth to it.