Our blog is currently in Swedish and English. For those of you that want only the english articles, you can use this link. A few highlighs:
Did you think renewable energy is sustainable? Think again… When looking at what we actually mean by “sustainable development”, we reach conclusion that nuclear power meets the definition, while many renewable energy sources don’t.
The day wind power nearly blew out Europe An analysis of a continent wide power disturbance that shows reliance on wind power and other intermittent power sources puts the grid a big risk of collapsing.
Study says German nuclear power causes child cancer… or does it? Yet another report claiming cancer clusters around nuclear plants. Reading the report closely reveals it to say the plants cannot be reposible for that.
This… is an ex-parrot!! Musings about the frustration one can suffer debating the issue of nuclear power.
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Renewable energy is the future, why depend on fossil fuels when we can go renewable..:”
We can phase out fossil fuels faster if we use both renewables and nuclear power.
I agree to you that nuclear power can be used to produce electric energy with a low carbon footprint (i’s not complete co2-neutral of course). BUT the real problem is not only the safety of the plants themselves (who can tell that no maniac fundamentalist will crash a plane into one or hacks the controlling computers?) but more important are the unpredictable risks of all the radioactive waste produced. not only the high active fuel rods but the reactor core, the buildings, everything that is contaminated by radioactivity in such a plant. nobody can grant that we can find a suitable place to store this waste for thousands or even millions of years securely. who can? as long as this problem is not solved in a convenient way, the risks of nuclear energy are too high to continue using it. our children and grandchildren will inherit this dangerous residues of our nearsightednes. and this cannot be the solution.
Google for the natural nuclear reactors in Oklo and read what happened to the waste produced there…..
Pure renewables such as solar and wind simply do not provide enough baseload energy generation to solve our power deficit. What happens on cold, quiet nights and the batteries run out? We need a new generation of nuclear.
Hey Andrew! I suggest you clean up your tone a bit. Would hate to have to send superintendent Tarpley or principal Philips an email about one of their students engaging in breaches of netiquette. 😉
I always thought like that. We do need the nuclear power and nuclear power is unlimited so we can always use it. If you want to avoid things like those in fukushima, you have to make the nuclear power plants safer but don’t remove them!
Thank you for opening up a blog about this!! 😀 I will share it on twitter 😉