Last updated on March 1, 2013
By Kazue Avril – Free Press
It has been a busy day here at the NPYP center, where the members of Nuclear Power Yes Please held a press conference. They recently discovered a devastating text by Professor Chris Busby, where he shows that their criticism of his research is completely unfounded. The NPYP Scientific Director Mattias Lantz had attacked Professor Busby’s articles about Fallujah (here, here, and here), by making a comparison of the sex-ratio (i.e. the number of boys born vs number of girls born) between the Iraqi city of Fallujah and his own city of birth, Avesta in Sweden. According to Lantz the variations in Avesta were as large, or larger, than the ones in Fallujah, so he reasoned that one could not claim that the variations in Fallujah were due to depleted uranium (DU). Professor Busby turned the data from Avesta around, and showed that Lantz had used the data in a dishonest way, even trying to hide an obvious correlation between increased sex-ratio in Avesta and the 2003 war in Iraq. Professor Busby’s eminent rebuttal can be found on the LLRC web site (here). Below is the figure made by Lantz, with Professor Busby’s hand-written notes that give evidence of the dishonesty of Lantz.
– ”I never even thought of the correlation,” a humiliated Mattias Lantz said at the press conference, ”but Professor Busby clearly shows that the deviating sex-ratio in Avesta around 2004 is due to the DU-weapons used in Iraq. Furthermore,” Lantz continued, ”this means that all of our past criticism of Professor Busby falls apart, just like a house built from a deck of cards. I now realize what an omnipotent genius he is. He is right about everything, even when he cheats with statistics.”
– ”And he is a great musician!” Gender Issues Director Nils Rudqvist adds.
– What does this mean for the future of NPYP?
– ”This changes everything.” says Policy Director and NPYP founder Michael Karnerfors, ”We have been wrong about all these issues; about radiation effects, nuclear power, cell phone radiation, chem-trails, dowsing, crystal healing and the HAARP experiment. Therefore, we will now turn sides in the debate on all these issues, and we will join Professor Busby, Mona Nilsson, Lennart Hardell and all the other serious researchers in their noble quests. From now on, scrutinizing alarmist claims, checking statistics, or asking the simple question ‘Is this relevant?’ has no place in what we consider to be a serious debate. Google was created to find the scary claims, not to scrutinize them. Many people are scared about radiation. From now on we will help them to maintain that status.”
– What about your close ties to the nuclear industry?
– ”We will pay back every penny of the funding we got from those bastards,” says Financial Director Christoffer Willenfort, ”and those of us who are employed by the nuclear industry will submit letters of resignation today, we are all done with it.”
– And the organization?
– ”The first reaction was of course that we should dismantle NPYP and join other groups, but after some intense brain storming we decided that it is better to continue, although under a different name.”
– ”Yes, from today we are Nuclear Power No Please,” confirms the Public Relations Director Johan Kreuger, ”and here is the new logotype!”
An embarrassing silence grew in the press room, until somebody in the audience dared pointing out an obvious error in the spelling.
– ”C’mon people, give us a break!” Kreuger burst out. ”We have been wrong about so many things for years, so how can you expect us to get every tiny detail right immediately?”
– What is Lantz’ status within the organization, can he continue to be a member?
– ”Well,” says Karnerfors, ”at first we thought that he had to go. We were all very disappointed with him and felt that we needed to distance ourselves from him and the dishonesty that he brought upon us. But we are all to blame. It was certainly Lantz who would initiate the studies of Professor Busby’s claims, but we all started to act like stupid physicists and make independent double checks of numbers and other details. That was of course foolish of us, we should have trusted Professor Busby from the beginning without asking any questions.”
– So you now believe in Professor Busby’s claims?
– ”How can you not, after what we have been through?” Reactor Technology Director Johan Simu says. ”Professor Busby has an expertise in so many scientific fields, not only in radiation effects. A few months ago he introduced a new definition of the term ‘spontaneous fission’, and with it he showed that TEPCO is lying about the status of the reactors in Fukushima. With the new definition, the reactors must clearly be active in a critical configuration. My personal reflection at the time was that this is utter nonsense. But now, after Professor Busby’s proof of our dishonesty, I am all for it. The effects will be tremendous; all courses in reactor physics will have to be revised, and the commercial codes used today for criticality calculations have to be changed. But that is not all, recently he also showed that Einstein is wrong.”
– What?
– ”Yes indeed, Professor Busby’s interpretation of the twin paradox is quite convincing. He has also promised to explain quantum mechanics on Youtube, something that we are all looking forward to. It is about time that somebody settles the issue whether that cat of Schrödinger is alive or not, the world deserves to know. Furthermore, this poor creature has been in this un-collapsed wave function state for so long, it is clearly a violation of animals rights that needs to be brought to an international court. Professor Busby’s expertise also in legal matters will be very helpful in order to bring the perpetrators to justice.”
On the way out from the press room we manage to get hold of Mattias Lantz for a personal comment, he looks tired and stressed out.
– Will you apologize to Professor Busby and the other people that you have attacked over the years?
– ”No, of course not!” Lantz responds rather agressively. ”Earlier we would have done such a thing, or corrected our statements if they were found to be in error. Now when we have changed sides in the debate we will follow the established customs of our new friends. Apologies or amends are out of the question. Instead we move on forward, though in the opposite direction as before.”
– How did you react when it became clear that you had been so wrong about Professor Busby?
– ”I felt awful, of course. Not so much for my unfounded attacks on Professor Busby, but on a personal level it is devastating. In the plot that Professor Busby turned against me there is also a peak with high sex-ratio in Avesta during the 1970’s when I was born. This puts the question about my gender at stake, maybe I was supposed to be a girl? This will take years of psycho-therapy to sort out.”
Then he excuses himself and pushes through the crowd towards the entrance, stopping every now and then, asking people if they know where he can get hold of a good beret.
We get a private interview with Industry Liaison Director Johan Kihlberg.
– ”Former Industry Liaison Director, if I may! The title does not exist any more now that we have severed the ties with the nuclear industry.”
– So, what is your title?
– ”Alarmist Organizations Liaison Director.”
– Ok, ok, so how was the error of Lantz discovered?
– ”We knew for a while that something was not right. Lantz has of course always been obsessed with Professor Busby. Certainly the money from industry and Socialstyrelsen kept him motivated, but there was also something else, some sort of…envy. And during the last few months he has become more and more deranged. You could find him at late hours in his office, but he would not deliver any new blog posts or forum entries. If you met him in the corridor you could hear him mumbling weird things for himself.”
– Weird things?
– ”Yes, phrases like ’eminent scientists’, ‘Bramhall is not a pushover’, ‘ICRP doesn’t get it’, or ‘there must be a third event’ were often repeated. Things like that. Then, a few days ago in the coffee room he made no sense at all, trying to convince us that ‘the alarmists get laid more often than we do’ and that we should buy a boat, or two. Last Friday we discovered that he had asked the market analysis division for an evaluation about entering the field of anti-radiation pills, and there were follow up plans for major investments in this field. When this was found out we decided to check his computer. It turned out that for the last month he had used the computer for only one thing, to visit the ‘Dishonesty’ page on the LLRC web site, over and over again.”
– So what did you do?
– ”It was the first time that any of us saw that web page, and after reading it we realized that it was all over. A crisis meeting was held, thereafter we summoned Lantz in order to have him explain himself. There was an intense discussion, with harsh words being exchanged in all directions, but finally we could agree on a strategy and decided to call for the press conference.”
– These plans that Lantz had initiated for anti-radiation pills, how far had he gone with them?
– ”Actually, very far,” Kihlberg responds with some excitement.
– So how did you stop it?
– ”We didn’t. The analysis shows that we can make a huge profit even if we sell the pills at half the price compared to what Busby and his friends had in mind. We have some connections in Japan that will help us with the promotion, there are many ways to scare people into becoming your customers. For instance the Japanese TV-channel NHK has been very helpful by making an alarmist documentary in which the credibility of ICRP is undermined. We are also considering to buy the recently closed candy factory in Gävle. In that way we can have a local production directly in the areas that were most affected by the Tondel study.”
– You mean the areas that were most affected by the Chernobyl fallout?
– “No, by the Tondel study.”
– Ah, whatever. So you will manufacture and sell pills in order to raise money for the suffering children?
– ”What do you mean? We have to make up for the losses now that we have stopped the funding from the nuclear industry. We are the good guys now, we need to make a living. Just look at Green Audit, the Cancer and Birth Defects Organization, and so on. They are registered as companies, not as charities, why should we be any different? Why live on secret funding from evil companies when we can make as much money in the open by exploiting the gullible, the naive, and the vulnerable? To have funding from the industry in order to change people’s opinion is a difficult task, it is much easier to get money directly from concerned citizens in order to help them preserve their already established views. Busby is of course a huge inspiration in these matters, but we are also looking at other options.”
– What kind of options?
– ”For instance, Joseph Mangano and his Radiation and Public Health Project is a good example. They have managed to recruit celebrities like Alec Baldwin and Christie Brinkley for the fundraising. And they are very successful, just look at the suits of Mangano! So we hope to be able to do something similar from a Swedish perspective, if we can get stars like Manne the Clown and Solveig Ternström on our team, then we are all set.”
– So the future is bright…?
– ”Yes, brighter than ever. This has been a severe crisis situation for us, but thanks to Professor Busby we are finally on the right track. An event like this does not happen every day, but today it did indeed happen.”
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April Fools?
I hope that you will followup with the results of the search for a good beret.
Given your change of heart, might I suggest finding a good Lobotomist as well.
Seriously, however, why does Busby claim that the uranium at Fallujah was “enriched”?! Does he not realize that Depleted Uranium is the opposite of enriched uranium?
Who would go to all of the trouble and expense to enrich uranium to use in conventional weapons, when plenty of depleted uranium already available from the enrichment process used for nuclear fuel and nuclear weapons?
Given the vitriol that he reserves for “physicists,” I can only assume that he has never bothered to study the real physics and chemistry of uranium and how it is actually used.
Brian, have you not listened to the great man. It is enriched in order to achieve nuclear fusion!!!
As for physicists, they deserve all the flak they get…
…nuclear fission
Nooo, I was pretty sure he was talking fusion…
Brian Mays:
Well, according to Busby, there were possibly unconventional fission/fusion weapons used in a variety of places.
“The crater that we found in Khiam (Lebanon) that my colleague, that
actually I sent my colleague out there to look at, was in fact
radioactive. So not only did we find DU but we found enriched uranium in
it. The reason that we went there in the first place was that one of
the local physicists who had been looking at the various effects of
these weapons in Lebanon detected the radiation signature of this
particular crater was alarmingly high, so that’s why we went to see why
it was high. Now the radiation levels fell rapidly over about six weeks
and went back to normal. Now that would be a signature for a neutron
device because what happens is that the neutrons from the device cause
an increased level of gamma radioactivity due to neutron activation of
substances in the soil, but these are fairly short-lived, and so they do
drop off over a short period of about three to six weeks, so that would
fit in with that possibility.”
“Jim Fetzer: Now Chris, perhaps you can confirm my
impression that one of the benefits of these neutron weapons is that
they kill people but don’t damage property.
Dr. Busby: Well that’s why they were developed, of course. Yes, that’s correct, that is why they were developed.
I want to be very cautious about all of this. I have talked to a
number of physicists who say that this is possible, who say that the
model seems reasonable, but we have no real evidence apart from the
existence of enriched uranium [I-235] in this crater in Lebanon,
deuterium, anomalously high levels of radioactivity caused by neutron
activation, and the rest is surmisable.”
For the record, Cosmoskitten do not share these opinions, I think they are very extremely unlikely to be true, due to both physical factors and organizational factors.
A science question: IF you had enough to neutron activation of standard soil, to make it easily measurable, what isotopes would you get? What would the half lives of the isotopes be?
On of the possible reasons that Busby gives for using these strange new weapons is to get rid of nuclear weapons, “that would be a very neat way of getting rid of all their warheads
without having to find somewhere to put them which would cost them money” (same article).
It is not only in Fallujah that he suspects that nuclear weapons of a new type were used.
Hi Kitty,
Tricky question about activation, “normal” soil can contain almost anything, but if we try to keep it simple, let’s limit ourselves to what we find from a google search:
Thus we have the elements (in increasing order) H, O, Na, Mg, Si, Al and Ca. Each element has one or several stable isotopes. On the following link you can download a PNG-picture of the Chart of Nuclides from NNDC:
Open it as a picture and zoom to arbitrary level, you will find that it contains a lot of information. There is one element per row, and each row contains all isotopes of that particular element.
A crash course:
* Black boxes are stable isotopes.
* Pink boxes are neutron-rich isotopes, they will beta(-) decay, i.e. one neutron is converted to a proton, beta radiation (electron) an anti-neutrino and eventually some gammas are emitted.
The result of the beta decay is that you move up one step diagonally to the left. The mass number is the same, but the atomic number has increased one step.
Example: Cs-137 beta decays into Ba-137 (stable). The half life of 30.08 years is given in the box for Cs-137.
* Blue boxes are neutron-deficient (or proton-rich) isotopes. They will beta(+) decay, i.e. one proton is converted to a neutron, a positron (=anti-electron, i.e. anti-matter, cool!) is emitted, together with a neutrino and eventually some gammas.
The result of a decay is that you move down one step diagonally to the right. The mass number is the same, but the atomic number has decreased one step.
Example: Na-22 (half life 2.6 years) beta(+) decays into Ne-22 (stable).
* Yellow boxes are nuclides that can alpha decay, i.e. they emit a Helium nucleus (alpha particle).
The result of the decay is that you move down two steps diagonally to the left. The mass number is reduced by 4 units, and the atomic number is decreased by 2 units.
Example: Am-241 (half life 432.6 years) alpha decays into Np-237 (also alpha unstable, half life 2.1 million years).
(…continued crash course, part 2)
Now lets look at what happens if a stable isotope of any of our soil elements absorbs a neutron. For simplicity we assume that the only possible reaction is that the neutron is absorbed (there could be other kinds of reactions as well) and we also ignore the cross sections (i.e. probabilities for that a given nuclide will absorb a neutron).
If a neutron is absorbed the mass number is increased one unit, but the element is the same. Thus we move one step to the right in the chart.
So let’s play with the available elements from our list, we check for all the stable isotopes.
H-1 + n —> H-2 (stable) H-2 + n —> H-3 (beta decay, 12.3 years half life) —> He-3 (stable) O-16 + n —> O-17 (stable)
O-17 + n —> O-18 (stable)
O-18 + n —> O-19 (beta decay, 26.9 sec half life) —> F-19 (stable) Na-23 + n —> Na-24 (beta decay, 15 hours half life) —> Mg-24 (stable)
Mg-24 + n —> Mg-25 (stable) Mg-25 + n —> Mg-26 (stable) Mg-26 + n —> Mg-27 (beta decay, 9.5 hours half life) —> Al-27 (stable) Al-27 + n —> Al-28 (beta decay, 2.2 min half life) —> Si-28 (stable)
Si-28 + n —> Si-29 (stable) Si-29 + n —> Si-30 (stable) Si-30 + n —> Si-31 (beta decay, 157 min half life) —> P-31 (stable) Ca-40 + n —> Ca-41 (electron capture, 100 000 years half life) —> K-41 (stable) Ca-42 + n —> Ca-43 (stable) Ca-43 + n —> Ca-44 (stable) Ca-44 + n —> Ca-45 (beta decay, 163 days half life) —> Sc-45 (stable) Ca-46 + n —> Ca-47 (beta decay, 4.5 days) —> Sc-47 (beta decay, 3.3 days) —> Ti-47 (stable) Ca-48 + n —> Ca-49 (beta decay, 8.7 min) —> Sc-49 (beta decay, 57 min) —> Ti-49 (stable) So most of the produced nuclides are stable, but there are a number of unstable ones as well that will decay with detectable radiation, a list of those is here:H-3 (12.3 years) O-19 (26.9 sec) Na-24 (15 hours) Mg-27 (9.5 hours) Al-28 (2.2 min) Si-31 (157 min) Ca-41 (100 000 years) Ca-45 (163 days) Ca-47 (4.5 days) Sc-47 (3.3 days) Ca-49 (8.7 min) Sc-49 (57 min) We can ignore the ones with half lives of the order of seconds and minutes, and let’s ignore the ones with half lives of years or more (they will not change in intensity over a few weeks).
(…continued crash course, part 3)
We are then left with:
Na-24 (15 hours) Mg-27 (9.5 hours) Si-31 (157 min ~ 2.5 hours) Ca-45 (163 days) Ca-47 (4.5 days) Sc-47 (3.3 days)
In the interview that you quote, our bereted hero talks about “radiation levels fell rapidly over about six weeks and went back to normal.”
With this we can assume that about ten or more half lives have passed in order to say that the amount of a radioactive nuclide has become negligible.
From our list that fits about ok with Na-24, Mg-27, Ca-47 and Sc-47.
But there will surely be other elements that can absorb neutrons. And we are not looking at how much we have of each nuclide and the cross sections for neutron capture, but it should give you a basic idea about what to look for.
Then we come to the question whether the quoted statements are feasible or not. Let’s leave that aside for another time, personally I share the opinion of Cosmoskitten. 🙂
Thanks for the explanation and the links, Lantzelot.
An unusual feeling comes over me when I read what Busby has written and and said. I feel dirty and disgusted. It is ABSURD to need to spend time on this person.
Lantzelot, next time you are in New York, make sure to take some readings near where World Trade Center stood, Busby think the new nuclear weapon might be involved!
“they did find tritium in the Twin Towers, so it is entirely possible that they were brought down with this same weapon.
Jim Fetzer: And it’s a weapon that produces a neutron bomb effect . . .
Dr. Busby: Yes, by producing gamma rays
Jim Fetzer: . . . by combining depleted uranium with enriched uranium. And could be blended so you could create any mixture you like to achieve the type of effect, the range of blast and so forth desired.”
Very subtle conspiracy indeed, using a nuke in New York. Sneaky. Impossible really, that anyone might notice.
It also seems Busby are making radio programs together with geoscientist Leuren Moret. I haven’t checked out this thoroughly, but it seems they have been collaborating a bit.
And what a gem Leuren Moret is!
According to her Wikipedia page:
“Moret declared on March 21, 2011 that the “Japan Earthquake” and “accidents” that occurred March 11, 2011, were deliberate acts of tectonic nuclear warfare. She claimed further that the “attack” was carried out using HAARP technology by the Central Intelligence Agency, the United States Department of Energy, and British Petroleum on behalf of London banking interests.”
I am not sure how closely it is fair to suggest they work. Guilt by association is often used way too strongly.
And of course, in that article, you find the devil uranium again:
“Dr. Busby: What I did notice is if you look at the mortality statistics, there does appear to be a sharp increase in infant mortality in many countries in Europe in 1991 which is kind of unexplained. And I think perhaps that was caused by the First Gulf War.”
While I’m not surprised to discover that Busby is a “9/11 truther,” and am a little taken aback that he’s also a 9/11 conspiracy reject. Fetzer’s nuttiness is so far out there that even the other 9/11 conspiracy theorists have distanced themselves from him.
Does anyone know the requirements in the UK for getting someone committed as criminally insane?
You bring up plenty of candy in one go. 🙂
Indeed I do regret that I didn’t have a GM-counter with me during my visit to the Twin Towers in 1996, imagine what kind of Michael Collins-esque theories I could make up from measuring increased activity from the top floor (for inspiration, check out the video of this LA-hero:
But of course our bereted wonder is correct, who are we to question a visiting professor’s statement that it was the gammas from a neutron bomb that brought down the World Trade Center.
There are a number of “interesting” conspiracy theories floating around regarding various experiments causing the earthquake in Japan.
If you want to waste 5 minutes of your life on one of them, this guy seems very concerned about the J-PARC accelerator:
I really like the part where he says that “the experiment is pretty close to the epicenter” when one zooms out of the map…
He has many friends, one of my favorite nutcracks lives in Finland and has figured out that one section of the J-PARC proton synchrotron points directly towards the epicenter of the 3/11 earthquake:
This theory can be improved even more, we actually have two more pieces of evidence to add to the theory of our Finish friend:
1: The 2009 earthquake in L’Aquila in Italy was certainly caused by the CERN-to-Gran Sasso neutrino beam ( The Gran Sasso underground laboratory is about 15 km from L’Aquila. The neutrino beam from CERN points directly towards the city.
2: The August 2011 earthquake in the eastern USA was obviously caused by the MINOS neutrino beam from Fermilab (Illinois) to the Soudan mine (Minnesota) that backfired:
There is no doubt: neutrino baseline experiments cause earthquakes. 3 experiments, 3 earthquakes, do I need to say more?
Haha, excellent!
Brian Mays wrote: “Fetzer’s nuttiness is so far out there that even the other 9/11 conspiracy theorists have distanced themselves from him”
Searching a bit, I find a 911 conspiracy that I haven’t heard of before:
“Few things shock me rigid, these days, but seeing James Fetzer spouting his damaging no-planes-in-New York disinformation in an article hosted by Veterans Today has done just that.”
“9/11: The Absurdity of the No-Planes-in-New York Theory” Anthony Lawson
Actually… when thinking along these lines, could not Busby be an “Undercover Pro Nuclear Agent?” 😀 He is poisoning the no-nukes camp with so many absurdities that any sensible and knowledgeable oponents of nuclear power must be turned away. There is a limit to even what green party members can stand.
If you google for “nuclear radiation lizards jews rothschild”, the first result is David Icke on wikipedia, and the second result is a radio program with James Fetzer as host, and Christopher Busby and Leuren Moret as guests.
“Busby appears in a video broadcast on YouTube. In it he makes a number of wild allegations. Among them is a startling conspiracy theory: that the Japanese government is deliberately spreading radioactive material from Fukushima all over Japan. The reason, he says, is that when clusters of childhood cancer start appearing in Fukushima, the parents of the victims will want to sue the Japanese government.
“But the only way that they can say that they’ve got high levels of cancer is to have a control group in an area that’s not contaminated, for example the south of Japan. So I believe that the project to take this material and burn it all over Japan is to destroy all of Japan, to increase the cancer rate in the whole of Japan, so that there will be no control group to which you can compare these children in the Fukushima area.”
He produces no evidence to support this claim. Given that no radioactive waste has been removed from Fukushima prefecture, and there are no plans to do so, it is hard to see how he could.”
Personally, I do not think Busby is an “Undercover Pro Nuclear Agent”. I do however have trouble accepting that anyone in general can be this off the track, even worse, someone with education in the hard sciences.
Let this be a warning to us all.
Lantzelot: I followed your link… can I have my 5 minutes back?
Busby, busby, busby, what a wonderful fellow! How did you get the idea to search for “nuclear radiation lizards jews rothschild” btw 😀
How I got the idea for that search term? I am one!
Being pro nuclear, it is evident that I am a cosmopolitan London banker space lizard 😀
Actually, I got it from Busby himself:
“Dr. Busby: Well I think the real question here is
who are the “bad guys”? In the last five years I have had every single
group of people named to me by different conspiracy theorists as being
the bad guys. From the Zionists to the lizards, from outer space to the
Rothschilds, who very commonly pop up with all sorts of Jewish bankers.
I mean there is an entire sort of spectrum of conspiracy theories out
there, and I kind of put them all on the shelf of my mind, you know, as
“And what I think is required here is some sort of new ideology. And I am
working with some colleagues to try and create such a thing. Because
what it seems to me is that with the fall of the Soviet Union, the last
major world ideology if you like, we now live in a sort of a monstrous
chaos situation which is just controlled by a lot of different people
who are all scrabbling for power in a system which is dominated by money
and by a sort of monster created by an economic system. And in a
sense, to my mind, you don’t really have to have “bad guys”. The system
itself is the “bad guy”. It is going to create the economics. Once you
set up this sort of economic system and allow it to run, it almost
automatically produces a monster. And this monster is a
“short term gains” monster. So you have a whole load of organizations,
if you like, all connected to each other by instant communication
systems, which are constantly aimed at making more money instantly on
the basis of any change in their environment, and that to me is
sufficient to explain nearly everything that is going on.”
I actually listened to the whole piece now. Wonder what dreams I will get.
He sure has written some “interesting” things. I had no idea that he was into all these kind of weird things. I wonder of any environmental organisation really can even consider working with Busby any longer?
Copying another persons post from the excellent
“I appreciate that members of this forum are wiling to consider all
possibilities. It’s open minded and good science. But I have serious
questions about Gunderson’s credibility, as well as Busby’s. The
latter’s arguments concerning radiation epidemiology, his ecological
studies of Sellafield, and his “Second Event Theory” of DNA mutation
have been pretty well demolished more than once. The report of the
CERRIE committee from 2004 makes very informative reading in this
regard. It notes that as far as Busby’s claims are concerned, “The
Committee concluded that the available scientific evidence did not
support these hypotheses and, in many cases, substantially contradicted
them.” He threw a fit. Time and again during committee, one of which he
chaired, he was asked to provide the papers upon which he based various
claims so the others could review them, and was unable to. Sloppy does
not begin to describe it. He makes this stuff up. ”
Original post at:
I wonder how you find the cases where Busby have been an expert witness.
“I have acted as an expert witness in over 40 cases involving radiation
and health.” … “And these cases are all being won. All of them.”
Sorry for failed first version of this post, please remove it.
What I do not understand is why Busby does radio shows with Leuren Moret.
She was discussed on this site some months ago, and she was found to be a nutcase. Searching a bit more, I think we underestimated the seriousness of the nuttiness.
“Ms. Moret states that the war crimes network behind the March 11, 2011 events at the Fukushima nuclear plant is the same war crimes racketeering organization behind the false flag operations of September 11, 2001, Hurricane Katrina (2005), the Haiti earthquake (2010) and other HAARP-triggered false flag operations.
The Fukushima tectonic nuclear attack is an intentional genocidal depopulation of the northern and southern hemispheres, Ms. Moret states. The west coasts of the United States and Canada, Mexico, and Hawaii are being intentionally targeted by dangerous radiation from the March 11, 2011 tectonic warfare earthquake and nuclear meltdown events at Fukushima, Japan.
These areas of the United States and Canada, and Mexico, Ms. Moret indicates, are the major food producing areas for North America. Radiation from the Japan quake/nuclear meltdown events at Fukushima is intentionally being steered into these areas in order to dose the land and the food with radiation.
Danger of radiation in the rain
Ms. Moret warned that the U.S. government is covering up the radiation danger in North America, and stated that individuals should venture out in the rain with their bodies fully covered, including gloves.”
“Lantzelot: I followed your link… can I have my 5 minutes back?”
Sorry Kitty, this is a one-way journey. On the other hand, since you are not afraid of these lethal neutrino beams (now that’s a worthy Google search term…), then you will probably have a better (and healthier?) life than the guy on the link.
[…] Loppukevennys: NPYP – We were wrong, Busby is right! […]
I’m a friend of Chris’ and he loves it all!!!!