Let me indulge myself in a bit of personal commentary for a moment and convey my frustration about debating nuclear power. When browsing the sheets, TV-programs and the web, I as a nuclear friend more often than not run into absurdities so staggering it leaves me wondering if this is reality or some really tripped out stage comedy.
The latest act in this Circus Macabre is Christer Borg, who in a recent blog entry argues against nuclear power with arguments so false I am relating to John Cleese’s character in the famous parrot sketch: Mr. Praline is faced with a salesman who won’t admit that the parrot he just sold is definitely deceased. The man behind the counter keeps arguing his fraudulent case with ever more ridiculous arguments until eventually he’s trying to convince the customer that the stuffed Norwegian Blue parrot is not dead but “pining for the fjords”.
Video provided kind courtesy of Monty Python
Let me show you what I mean… Christer Borg says:
A wrecked reactor is as deadly to all life as it was when Three Mile Island or the Chernobyl disasters took place.
Bringing up Chernobyl in discussions about Swedish reactors, or any light-water moderated reactor for that matter since its the most prevalent reactor type in the world, is absolutely silly. If we chose to ignore the fact that the comparison requires an act of God, where He gets devilishly drunk and in a stupor goes on to rewrite the laws of physics, the death toll from the accident itself does not even reach 100 people yet. Anyone arguing differently had best take it up with the UN.
“This parrot is no more!”
Three Mile Island is slightly more relevant to talk about because that concerned a reactor type that actually exists outside the former Soviet Union, as opposed to the accident prone RBMK-type of reactor that blew up at Chernobyl. But the argument is still trying to assert the vitality of a bleedin’ demised parrot because the accident at TMI-2 left us with zero dead, zero injured and zero cancer cases. Why does Borg, when he wishes to speak against nuclear power, bring up an event which tells us that even when suffering a nuclear meltdown the safety measures of a western reactor works and prevents death and injury?
“It has ceased to be!”
Borg continues…
The issue of storing nuclear waste is as unresolved as it was thirty years ago.
This argument tries to ignore thirty years of research and development in the area, not to mention 1.7 billion years of geological truth. The invalidity of the argument is laid bare the moment you step onto the homepage of SKB, Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB. SKB selects the site to build the Swedish deep geological repository in 2009. The year after that they hand in their application to the authorities seeking permission to begin work constructing the repository using the KBS-3 method, validated by science and Mother Nature in her very own experiment into nuclear waste storage.
“It’s expired and gone to meet its maker!”
Borg: Operating nuclear reactors is as difficult as before.
OK, so if we again ignore reality, such as the extremely low accident rate compared to other sources of power and the lack of injuries resulting from nuclear power, his argument tries to deny the fact that design criteria for modern nuclear reactors specify them to be “Walk away safe”. That is to say a modern nuclear reactor remains safe even if all of the operators simply walk away from the controls. I know of few other human activities that would allow that sort of abuse. And this did not exist thirty years ago.
“It’s a stiff! Bereft of life. It rests in peace!”
Borg: Uranium mining is a detrimental to the environment as it has always been.
Again Borg tries to ignore progress and reality. To illustrate how silly his argument is: the radiation dose that a Swedish iron ore miner received in the LKAB mines in the 70’s was twenty times that which an Australian uranium miner receives today. I can concede the fact that back in the last century uranium mining was no picnic. But then again that was the case for all mining. And today the situation is different as all mining, including uranium mining is subject to the same kind of environmental requirements as everyone else. Trying to claim nothing has changed is nearly too stupid for words, but Borg somehow manages to utter them with a straight face. I simply don’t know how he does it. Overdosing on Botox perhaps?
“If you hadn’t nailed it to the perch it would be pushing up the daisies!”
Borg: The centralization of this extremely dangerous activity…
“It’s run down the curtain and joined the choir invisible!”
…makes it as perfect as before for callous and desperate terrorists.
…which is to say: bloody useless. A nuclear power plant is an unattractive target for terrorists. This case we have covered before here at Nuclear Power Yes Please in our last article “Wind power increases vulnerability to terrorism”. Quick recap: distributed power, as endorsed by Borg, shifts our vulnerability from the resilient and easily defendable nuclear power plants to the network grid that is made fragile by distributed and fickle power sources such as wind.
“This… is an ex-parrot!”
As you can surely understand arguments such as those presented by Christer Borg leave me wondering what kind of reality some people live in. There just isn’t any truth to his claims. Anyone with a web browser and half a pint of sense can verify that his argument is a load of fetid dingo’s kidneys. How does he expect that anyone will not notice the gaping cracks in his anti-nuclear facade?
I’ll leave you with the only piece of sense to come out of his ridiculous article… one that I think he in retrospect ought to feel really embarassed about having put there as it perfectly describes the futility of his behaviour:
A lie does not become more true just because you repeat it over and over.
/Michael Karnerfors, member of the network Nuclear Power Yes Please
– No I’m sorry! I’m not prepared to persue my line of inquiry any further as I think this is getting too silly!
– Quite agree, quite agree. Silly silly silly. Right, get on with it. Get on with it!
Stråldoser i Japan just nu och bananer
Published by Johan on March 19, 2011Kyodo har skrivit liter mer om jodhalterna i dricksvatten i olika regioner. De skriver att värdena ligger över gränsen i Fukushima, men anger ingen siffra. Sen ger de följande:
Tochigi 77 Bq jod, 1.6 Bq cesium
Gunma 2.5 Bq jod, 0.22 Bq cesium
Saitama 0.62 Bq jod
Chiba 0.70 Bq jod
Tokyo 1.5 Bq jod
Niigata 0.27 Bq jod
Gränsevärdena är 300 Bq för jod och 200 Bq för cesium. Halveringstiden för Jod-131 är 8 dagar, för cesium-137 30 år och för cesium-134 2 år. Om nivåerna går högre är det nog dags för japanerna att börja äta jodtabletter i några veckor tills det sönderfallit bort. Cesium är värre, det stannar kvar länge, men hittills är nivåerna totalt försumbara, en tusendel till en hundradel av gränsvärdet.
För att jämföra aktivitetsnivåerna i vattnet med något vi har en vardaglig förståelse för så kan vi omvandla det till stråldoser och jämföra med stråldosen vi får om vi äter en banan. Inte för att försöka trivialisera vad som sker, utan för att försöka ge inblick i de mängder man pratar om och vad de faktiska konsekvenserna av det är just nu.
En siffra i Bq ger på egen hand ingen information om hur farligt något är, det säger bara hur många radioisotoper som sönderfaller per sekund. Olika radioisotoper sönderfaller med olika energier och ger ifrån sig olika typer av strålning(alfa, gamma, beta). Det som avgör hur farlig en viss aktivitet är beror på hur stor mängd energi som den avger till kroppsvävnader och vilken typ av strålning det är. Vet man aktiviteten, sönderfallsenergin och typen av sönderfall så kan man räkna om Bq till stråldosenheten Sievert(vilket är proportionerligt med mängden energi som deponerats i vävnader).
Som tur är finns det listor på faktorer för att konvertera en aktivitet till Sievert. Se tex tabell A:2 i detta dokumentet(säkerligen något föråldrat, men det enda jag hittade nu snabbt) och några andra i tabell 7.1 här. Doskonverteringsfaktorn för kalium-40 är 6.2-10^-6 mSv/Bq. En banan innehåller ungefär 14 Bq kalium-40 ger då alltså runt 0.1 mikroSievert.
Om man då går igenom listan på jod och cesiumhalter i vattnet så kan man räkna ut stråldoserna man utsätts för av att dricka 1 liter i respektive region, uttryckt i milliSievert och även i Bananekvivalenter. Att dricka en liter vatten just nu i Tokyo är alltså stråldosmässigt lite mindre än om man äter en halv banan. I Fukushima däremot(om man antar att de ligger på gränsvärdena för jod och cesium och att allt cesium är cesium-137) får man i sig över hundra bananekvivalenter per liter vatten man dricker och i Tochigi nästan 20 bananer per liter. Stråldoserna på själva reaktorområdet som ligger runt 0.5 mSv per timme just nu är däremot ekvivalent med 500 bananer per timme. En direkt skadlig dos är ekvivalent med 10 miljoner bananer och 2 miljoner bananer ökar statistiskt sett cancerrisken med 1% (man antar att cancerrisken ökar med ungefär 5% per Sievert om man får dosen under en lång tidsperiod). Om en person i Tokyo dricker 3 liter vatten per dag under 40 år med den aktivitet man uppmätt idag så ökar hans cancerrisk med 0,38%, att jämföra med en livstidsrisk på cancer som naturligt ligger på ca 30%.