Last updated on March 1, 2013
This just in on the news: Angela Merkel and her party CDU/CSU wins the 2009 federal election in Germany, along with the Free Democrats while the Social Democrats does their worst election since World War II. Merkel has announced her intention to form a government with FPD.
The upshot of this is that Merkel does not have to have the nuclear hostile SPD or the Green Party on her government, which in turn means that the German moratorium on nuclear power can now be reviewed and perhaps dropped.
If this happens it means that with Sweden, the UK, Italy and Germany reconcidering their stances on nuclear power and moving in favour of this form of energy, 2009 is a year of tremendous success for European nuclear friends.
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I think only the holding up of premature closure of functioning reactors is on the agenda so far. Hopefully Russian and Indian fast breeders under construction shall start working by the time of next elections in Germany. Fast reactors, preferably fluid fuel should be the further construction in European countries that restart nuclear construction after a break. They shall provide energy security based on SNF and not be Dependant on imports.
Well I don’t know Germany that well… but a thaw must at least start with not throwing nuclear power out on its head. What happens next, I can’t say.
Great! When will Gerhard Schroeder’s treason trial begin?
(Or more moderately, when will his ill-gotten gains from Gazprom be confiscated?)
Betraying his country to the Russians for personal monetary gain?
I wouldn’t hope too much for that. 😉
no u!
haha, i get last word!