Last updated on March 1, 2013
By Michael Karnerfors, 2010-09-24For our German friends, there are now three versions of the Smiling Atom artwork available for download in German.
In case you are wondering why there are three versions, well it’s because our german friends are a little ambivalent to the whole concept, which reflects on the language. 🙂 Nuclear power can be translated synonymously to “Atomkraft” (Atom(ic) power), “Kernenergie” (nuclear energy) and “Kernkraft” (nuclear power). The person that requested a version (you know you can do that, right?) in German wanted “Kernenergie” and “Kernkraft”. But in the old days, when the Smiling Sun logo was made, it said “Atomkraft? Nein Danke”, so I included that as well.
I hear nuclear power in Germany is facing quite a few upturns and much debate, so I reckon this might come in handy soon. Best of luck to you!
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das ist ja dumm omg
Vielen dank für Ihre aufschlussreivhe analyse.
Love it! More atom power to ya!
nuclear power is some of the best u can use… i rest my case