Last updated on March 1, 2013
There is a new website where you can see answers about the Fukushima events.
Don’t fear the unknown. Ask!
Anxiety, fear, panic or resignation and passiveness . That’s what many people experience under the current overload of information spread by media and various interest groups. We believe that a sound mind doesn’t need other people to tell it what to think, what to fear or what to trust. It needs clear facts.Here you can find explanations in plain language from nuclear professionals . Ask questions, learn the facts and form your own opinion.
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I have been wondering what the critical factors for installing filtered pressure venting systems at Fukushima in the current situation.
Holding tanks with makadam seems a solution that you should be able to build offsite, and ship in. They would work similar to the old stone filters at Barsebäck nuclear power plant. (Plant now decomissioned)
A venturi / gas scrubber like we currently have at swedish NPPs is another approach.
Even if the speed production filter variants would not last 40 years, it seems possible for filters to help.
Question 2 is about how do you leaks in the containment, in the current situation? Are there reasonable
Btw, screw reasonable cost right now. Land is expensive in Japan, and there are a lot of people living closely packed, meaning even 10% less committed dose to a lot of people would be valuable.
We need an apollo 13 crisis team or 3, to brainstorm and do calculations and construction.
Question 2: How much does it help to have a particle filter mask, for the general public?
How much does it help to have your hoover on, to clean out radioactive particles with? a bit? Is it preferable to have a the hoover quite full with dust, or should it rather be free from dust?
Post the questions to the site linked to in the post 🙂