Last updated on March 1, 2013
For those on holiday but who cannot stay off the internet, below are a few Fukushima-related links to enjoy from the hammock:
- TEPCO and the Japanese government announces that reactors 1-3 at Fukushima Daiichi now have reached the completion of the first step towards full stabilization, aiming for reaching the status “cold shutdown” by Januray 2012. There have (of course) been some setbacks, and some modifications on the schedule, but the work is continuing. More information in an understandable format (hardliners are welcome to try the TEPCO press releases) is given by Will Davis on the Atomic Power Review Blog.
- A nice summary of the nuclear events at Fukushima Daiichi, as far as we know today, is given by Steve on The Neutron Economy blog.
- The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has released a report with proposed safety improvements at U.S. nuclear power plants in view of the events at Fukushima. More information, and a link to download the report, is given on the NRC blog.
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Meet som people on the receiving end of the “setbacks”.